Friday, December 13, 2013

Psalms 119:10

Psalms 119:10
With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments.

For those of you who have smart phones, there are so many great apps to help with confession.  It's pretty easy to tell when you have committed a mortal sin but those venial sins can be a little tricky.  These apps (and also the book Catholicism for Dummies) clarify what some venial sins are that we commit on a rather regular basis.  We love our Lord so much but we are human, we all sin, and we all (hopefully) feel remorseful for our sins.  Thankfully we have been given the gift of reconciliation and it is this sacrament that brings us back into good graces with our Father.  If we truly seek Him, reconciliation is the best way to show our desire to keep His commandments.

I think that reconciliation is the hardest sacrament for us to accept.  It is hard to humble ourselves, not just to God but to a priest.  Will he judge us?  And we want to confess our sins but may hold back out of fear of what the priest will think.  I have to admit that reconciliation is something I also struggle with.  It is offered once a week and with four kids, being sick, and trying to get things done on the weekend, it is easy to dismiss going.  But when I finally gather up the courage to go, I can't explain the lightness I feel when I leave.  I know that I am not the only one who feels the same sensation.  It is like someone taking a ton of bricks off of my shoulders and (this may be the pregnancy hormones speaking) when I think of the gift God has just given me by forgiving me, I could truly break down and cry.

We ask God to help us to not wander from His commandments.  We have to put the work in every day, but we also need to come to Him when we have failed.  Go to your Father.  Ask Him for His forgiveness with humility and sincerity.  You will not only be forgiven, you will feel redeemed and more able to follow His commandments.  We may be making the same mistakes over and over despite our best efforts not to, but when we confess this to God, He knows we are trying.  He knows our intentions and He will help us overcome that which keeps us from having a good relationship with Him.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Psalms 143:10

Psalms 143:10
Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

The power of prayer, I truly believe in the power of prayer.  And when we are most lost and most in need of Him, I believe that He will guide us if we open ourselves up to do His will, even if it is not the path we wanted to take.  He will always lead us to prosperity and prosperity presents itself in different ways.  Our egos often get in the way or maybe it is our fear that blinds us at times.  Whatever it is that deters us from carrying out His will, we should pray to overcome it so that we can be closer to Him.

He only wants good things for us.  With the tragedy at Sandyhook coming up, it can sometimes be hard to believe this.  I remember sitting in my hospital room holding a brand new baby, just hours after giving birth to my fourth child and crying uncontrollably.  Maybe it was my hormones but to hear that so many parents had lost their precious children while I was bringing a new one into the world, made little if no sense to me.  I felt such sadness for those families, the burden can feel unbearable.  I can't imagine how those mothers and fathers felt that day.

I have seen many interviews and videos done by the families of those lost that day, and there is always a common theme.  Through the pain, they have realized His presence in their lives more than ever.  I watched a video today by one of the parents of a beautiful little girl, and they said throughout the video that their daughter's death, though it brought immense pain, has guided them to a new mission in life and has taught them the power of God.  The power He has to bring someone through such tragedy and to bring them to a greater cause.  The death of their child is senseless only if they don't use it to help others, raise awareness, or do some greater good.

Out of great suffering comes great good.  We have to believe this otherwise suffering would be senseless, suffering would be for nothing.  There has to be a greater purpose.  He has to be constantly leading us to a greater good, otherwise, what would all this be for?  Each day we are doing our best to do His will, because if we aren't, we are doing things for nothing.  Jesus suffered greatly, but it was for such a greater good, and He knew that His Father would not have Him suffer in such a way if it wasn't for something that was meaningful, and I can't think of anything more meaningful than saving mankind and giving us the gift of eternal life.

I don't know what everyone's situation is today or what it will be tomorrow, but I implore you to pray to God, that He helps you find the meaning in each day and leads you out of whatever suffering may be hindering you.  Believe in the power of prayer and the sureness of His will.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Isaiah 40:8

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

Oh!  How true, how true, how true!  I think about when I was a kid, especially during those angst filled teenage years, and how everything seemed so permanent.  Everything meant the end of the world!  Having experience on my side, I realize now how silly things were back then, how temporary and how fleeting!

Jobs will change, friends will come and go, neighbors will move, and children will grow, but God's word will forever be there guiding us through all the changes in our lives.  There is nothing more constant or reliable than God's word and His love for us.  The scripture is an amazing testament to how much God cares for us, His children.  Despite our mistakes, He never gives up trying to help us be reunited with Him in heaven.

Another thing I love about the scripture is that even though the words are thousands of years old, they are still relevant to today!  How can that even be possible other than for the grace of God?  Look at how many things in our world become practically useless as time goes by.  Computers, printers, tvs, vcrs, gaming systems, vehicles, phones, etc.  The list goes on.  Even a house built ten years ago shows it's datedness.  But God's words are not dated.  They are for the here and now.  They are useful and necessary.

I am always astonished to find that when I am going through a difficult time or have had a trying week, that God's words seem to be reaching out to me at the Mass.  How does He know exactly what  I need to hear and how does He send it to me so quickly?  And how is it that His words can have such meaning to me and then having a completely different yet pertinent meaning for my neighbor?  How is it that one passage can reach so many people in their times of need, even though their needs are all different?  God is truly amazing, more so than we can even begin to comprehend and I am truly grateful for His words each and every day.

On a side note, I have been feeling pretty sick lately but will get to my blog as much as possible, please forgive my absences!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, December 5, 2013

John 3:36

John 3:36
He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.

In my journey to enrich my prayer life, I am constantly hearing God through the things within my environment.  It's like, "Yes, God, I hear you.  I hear you calling me to more prayer."  He is so thorough though, making sure that I don't get side tracked or put this on the back burner as is the case with so many things in life.  So the other day, while driving to pick up my big kids, I was listening to Relevant Radio and the priest on there tells the listeners about prayer.

He is calling everyone to more prayer.  No amount of praying is too much and God answers ALL prayers.  What a concept!!  He answers ALL PRAYERS!  Ok, well I have been praying about something for a while now and I am so excited because the priest said, "God answers all prayers."  I start to feel so happy because of course a priest would know, he has a special relationship with God and he passes his wisdom on to us and now he has confirmed to me that GOD ANSWERS ALL PRAYERS!

Good thing I didn't turn the radio off because in the next sentence the priest says, "and sometimes we need to consider that the answer is 'no'".  What?  So God doesn't always have to say yes?!  So I can pray and pray and pray and pray, and sometimes He is going to respond with "No"?  Ok, fine, I have to put my relationship with God back into proper perspective now.

We are His children.  Now as a mother I know all too well how much children like to ask for things.  And I also know that sometimes they ask for things that they want but really don't need or they ask for things that aren't good for them.  As much as I would always like to tell my children "yes", I often have to say "no", for their own good.

Well, looking at my relationship with God in this way makes my understanding of how He answers prayer much easier to accept.  So I have to consider that even though I am asking Him, He may respond with "yes" or "no" and maybe I need to consider praying for something different.  I believe in Him and I believe in His plan.  As much as I want God to be listening to me, I need to also be listening to Him, it's eternal life I am striving for after all.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Colossians 3:17

Colossians 3:17
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

It's  so easy to get lost in the day to day.  Life is so BUSY!  There are always things to worry about, take care of, clean, whatever.  Sometimes it can be hard to remember that even those mundane things we do every day can be offered up in His name.

No task is unworthy of being offered up to God.  When I am running around with the kids and I can feel the stress building around me, I try to say a quick prayer to God that He helps me through this hiccup in the day.  I never want to be "too busy" to be in conversation with God.

If I consider myself too busy to talk to Him then clearly I would be too busy to actually hear him.  We have to find some time in every day, no matter how much time that is, to be quiet long enough for God to speak to us.  We need to invite Him into our hearts each morning and thank Him for His guidance each night.

I have said before that I am enriching my prayer life and as I was exploring an app that I save all my favorite prayers on, I stumbled upon one that I really love.  I'm sure many of you have heard of it but I'll share anyway.  It's called a Daily Examination of Conscience using the CPR method.

C-Claim your blessings

It is so important to remember all of the things that we are truly blessed with each day.  Health, home, children, jobs, food, heat, whatever.  Anything that you are not in need of to me is a blessing.  Then of course there are days when specific events or prayers are answered as well.

P-Pinpoint victories and losses

I include things big and small.  If my two year old tested my patience and I was able to be cool, calm and collected, that is a victory!  If I lost my patience with my spouse, well, that's a loss and something I can pray to God for help with.

R-Renew your loving commitment to Christ

This is my favorite part because it reminds me of what I am working towards each day.  Each day is a new day to show God that I am trying to be more like Him and reaffirms that I will not give up on my journey to improve myself in the faith, spread the faith to those around me, and hopefully be a beacon for Him here on earth. 

Each day is important and special and there is nothing that occurs or doesn't occur that isn't part of His perfect plan.  Our job is to have faith as we go through our days and allow Him to come into our spirits and guide us.  Not every day is going to feel special, but every day is special.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

John 16:24

John 16:24
Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.

I feel like God is speaking to me (not like that is anything new!) but seeing as I am going through something that is completely out of my control, He knows that I need Him to speak to me more than usual.  The feeling of helplessness is difficult to withstand and I know that He is the only one to guide me through.

So I pray.  I feel Him calling me to have a stronger prayer life, something I have been trying to do for a while now.  It always feels like there is something I am trying to improve when it comes to my faith journey!  But seeing as that He is the only one in control over what happens in this particular situation, I know that He wants to enrich my prayer life and I am doing just that.

It helps too that I keep reading and hearing things on the radio asking people to pray more, quiet more, and read more of the scripture.  It's like He is trying to reach me through every imaginable outlet.  Imagine, even God utilizes the technology around us!

I am specifically working hard in my prayers to include His will and to understand that what I am asking for will be received, even if not in the way I expected to receive it.   It is so important for us, as His children, to remember that He never forgets us.  He cares about our wants and needs and we will never be forsaken if we keep Him at the center and build our lives around Him. 

I have started to begin my day with a prayer, "Dear Lord, I do not know what will happen to me today.  I only know that nothing will happen that was not foreseen by You, and directed to any greater good from all eternity.  I adore Your holy and unfathomable plans, and submit to them with all my heart for love of You, the Pope, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Amen."

I say this even before my feet hit the floor so that I remember that everything I do during the day is offered up to Him.  I pray for my current situation constantly and it is never far from my mind.  Mostly I pray to just have trust in His perfect judgment and plan.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, December 2, 2013

1 John 5:14, 15

1 John 5:14, 15
This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.

This is something I have just started to understand, that I can ask God for things or for things to be done, if and only if it be according to His will.  I used to pray a lot for the things I wanted or needed and then was disappointed if my prayers were not answered.  I didn't take into account that His will need always be done and that His timeline is perfect and that He never makes mistakes.

So now I try to pray in a manner that always includes the phrase, "if it be your will God" or "Your will be done".  I am working hard on letting go the idea of my will be done and understand that God always knows what we need and sometimes we might pray for things that He knows are not really what we need.  Even if we can't always see God working, we know that God is working.

Continue to send up your prayers to Him and trust in His will over your own.  It is hard because our humanness causes us to long and yearn for things but if we continue to pray and trust, we will be rewarded and His divine plan will always be fulfilling.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, November 22, 2013

Psalms 107:1

Psalms 107:1
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His loving kindness is everlasting.

Every day is a day for giving thanks.  Many times we talk to God because we need something from Him.  I think that God must expect that, that's how children are, but when a child tells their father "thank you", it is warming to the heart.  How good it must make God feel to hear us, His children, say thank you for all the good He has done in our lives.

In the book I am currently reading, the author writes that (and I'm paraphrasing), "out of great suffering comes great good".  She lists many examples but of course the most obvious is that of Jesus.  No doubt His passion was a horrible experiences for Him and those who loved Him, but He knew that what would come of His suffering was so great, that the suffering would be worth it.  It is hard to be thankful to God in our own times of suffering but if we can just say a small prayer of thanks in acknowledgement that our suffering will bring something greater.

While listening to Relevant Radio last night I heard Monsignor tell a caller that "God doesn't call us to be successful, He calls us to be faithful."  That really resonated with me.  We think that to please God we have to make all the right choices and excel at that which we are lead to do, but really, the strength of our faith pleases Him most.  So, I choose to be thankful, I feel that it is the best way to show God how much I love Him.  Not only love Him, trust Him.  I am thankful because I trust His judgment over mine.  I trust His plan before mine.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Psalms 119:64

Psalms 119:64
The earth is full of Your loving kindness, O Lord; Teach me Your statutes.

One of the wonderful things about mankind is that it seems to me that God created us with a hunger to learn.  From the time we come out of the womb, we begin to learn and grow.  We learn what our mother looks like and are finally able to match that beautiful voice to a face.  Babies learn how to feed themselves within minutes of being born when they are first placed to the breast to nurse.

We continue to learn with each passing day.  Small things at first and then our milestones become larger and grander.  We learn to walk, potty train, have our first day of school.  Can you remember the first time you realized you could read?!  We learn simple things that help us become more independent, like tying shoes and zipping our own coats.  And we learn some major things that give us more freedom than our parents probably care for, like driving. 

We never stop learning.  Once we are married and have children, we have a whole new set of things to learn.  Each phase of life brings new challenges and new skills to be acquired.  Our faith is no different.  And just like everything else in our lives, we have to make an independent attempt to learn.  We have to seek out that which we do not know and we have to have a desire to learn more.  We also have to have the humility to understand that we need our Lord to teach us.  The power does not come from within.  As children we understand that our grown ups are there to teach us and because our thirst for learning is so strong we gravitate towards those people who want to help us.

Somewhere along the way our pride takes over and we begin to feel that if we can't obtain the knowledge ourselves it is not worth obtaining.  We have a strong rejection to being told "what to do".  But God wants to teach us, He wants us to learn His ways.  And we, as His children, should rush to Him to help us learn.  No matter how old my children will be, they will always by my babies.  And no matter how old we grow to be, we will always be His children.  Let Him teach you, start with things that are small and work your way into those major milestones.  And understand that our journey will never be complete until the day He calls us home.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Matthew 5:3

Matthew 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

How blessed we are that God will welcome us into the promised land even if we are not as rich in our faith as He would like us to be.  I love how loving and forgiving our God is.  This scripture gives me hope.  Hope that even if there are times in my life when I am doubting God and His awesome plan for me, that He won't just cast me aside as a sinner unworthy of Him.  There is always time to come back.

Jesus spoke these words to His disciples for them to pass on after He was gone.  He never wanted us to lose hope.  How many times have you gotten down on yourself for making a poor choice and figured, "Well, I've screwed that up so I guess it's never going to happen."  It doesn't really matter what the "it" is, in our faith, this is never the case.  We can never screw up so badly that God won't welcome us back with open arms. 

I know this from my own personal faith journey.  I wanted to create my own path, be my own source of grace.  I wanted things to go according to my plan and didn't give much thought to what His plan was.  I attended church because my husband wanted us to go.  I didn't have any particulars feelings about my faith, neither love nor hate, I was simply there.  When I lost three pregnancies in 12 months, my indifference turned to hate and I was angry with God.  I abandoned my faith because I felt abandoned by Him.  My story of return is another post but slowly I returned to the faith, dipping my toe in at first and carefully immersing myself until I was filled with the Holy Spirit.

While I was pregnant with my first son I had what I consider to be first true confession.  I cried to the priest and poured out my soul desperate to be forgiven and scared that he would consider me to be a lost cause.  That my sins had been to much for God to bear.  With his response to my confession, I wept even more.  I wept tears of thankfulness that God still loved me and still wanted me in His Church.  Father told me my feelings were natural and ok and that God understands.  That God is strong enough to handle our angriest feelings. 

The parable of the prodigal son proves to us that it is never too late.  So if you don't feel like you pleased Him how you wanted to today, don't give up.  Tomorrow is a new day and there is time to repent and return to Jesus Christ, our Savior.  There is also time for others you know who have walked away from the faith so don't give up on them either.  Pray for them!  Pray that they hear His voice calling them back and be their gentle reminder that they are never too far away to turn back to the faith.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ephesians 3:20, 21

Ephesians 3:20, 21
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.  Amen.

I have to admit, I am a bit of a daydreamer at times.  Not because I am unhappy with my current situation but more so because I like to imagine what other amazing things will occur in my life.  I like to imagine having more children, what my children will someday grow into and accomplish, my husband and I growing old together.  Now, logically I know that He will do greater things in my life than I could ever imagine.  I think in my daydreaming, I am offering up to God my excitement to have Him work through me.

I am excited to where He will lead me, scared too, no doubt, but undeniably excited.  The best, and worst, part of life is not knowing what more is to come.  He is with us every day, with every decision and every failure is a burden He helps us bear, and every success is due to His glory.  Funny how we often take on the blame when things go wrong and then give God the glory for things going right.  But He is there for all of it, why not let Him share the experiences with us, good and bad.  We do not have to carry these woes on our own and He is constantly working from within us.

When we let ourselves go, and I mean, let go of trying to control all the circumstances around ourselves, we open ourselves up to God's grace.  We let Him know that we are ready and willing to do His work.  Glory be to God that He will always provide us with what we need.  We have to let go of what we think we want.  With our children, we pass on our love for God and all His great works in an effort to teach our children not to be arrogant.  What can be given can be taken but with Him we will never be at a loss.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

I just watched an interview with one of the greatest Green Bay Packers and NFL players of all time, Brett Favre.  Besides talking about football, he said something that I found very relevant to this scripture.  "I don't just want to be remembered as a football player......Without two people, I wouldn't be here, I would be dead......Those people are Jesus Christ and Deanna (his wife)."

Isn't that true for all of us?  That without Jesus Christ, our Father, and the Holy Spirit, that we would all cease to exist?  He is the reason life is possible.  The reason life is possible after death as well.  What a sad existence to think that we would be walking around living our lives and then dying without the possibility of eternal life.  I can't fathom the concept....

I guess that's what keeps you going when the days are tough, when times are bad, when tragedy strikes.  He keeps us going, even when we would rather give up.  Before I found my faith, I was so angry when things did not go as planned.  Hopelessness was easy to fall into when facing difficulties.  And forget about a light at the end of the tunnel, I was in a cave.

We have to do more than just believe in Him though, we have to seek Him.  We have to learn about our faith through communities, literature, radio, etc.  We have to go to church.  The mass is a gift that He gave to us to receive Him, not His words, HIM.  Can you believe that?!  He becomes a part of us every time we go to the mass!  We must pray to him, formally and informally.  Don't be afraid to have a conversation with God.  He is always listening.  We have to trust in Him.  We surrender to His will.  The hardest thing to do, trust that He will lead you.  Trust that He knows better than you.

All we need in this life to make it to the eternal life is the Trinity.  Faith, family, friends, everybody else.  Don't mis-prioritize your life.  He will reward you!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Sunday, November 17, 2013

1 Corinthians 2:9

1 Corinthians 2:9

Heaven!  There are things we can't even fathom about heaven.  We all have an idea of what heaven is.  What it looks like, smells like, sounds like, feels like.  We talk about what we will finally be able to do, like golf for a person who has been restricted by injury, or eat, for those of us who worry about calories.  We talk about who we will see again, those who have passed before us.  And we know, not assume, but KNOW that heaven will be everything and anything we could ever imagine it to be.

But now ponder this.....there are things about heaven, or heaven itself, that we can't even begin to imagine, fathom, or anticipate.  We have not experienced it, we can't talk to anyone who has experienced it, and it is an experience beyond our earthly comprehension.  Everything we do, in theory, is in an effort to get there.  Imagine what the world would be like if we were consumed with not only making sure we are behaving in a manner that God will welcome us into heaven, but if we also helped our neighbor get there as well!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, November 11, 2013

Philippians 3:13, 14

Philippians 3:13, 14
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do:  forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Everything we do here determines if we achieve that goal, the prize of eternal life.  I don't understand being so concerned with how others are behaving and whether or not other people are achieving that goal.  I mean, I worry about my children, of course, but that comes with the responsibility of being a mother.  I will always worry about their souls and I hope to be able to help guide them in their choices so that they too can receive the gifts of God.  But I don't stress about other people's relationship with God.  And I don't understanding passing judgment on those who do not conduct themselves the way I would.  I am far from perfect, as a wife, mother, friend, neighbor, etc.  I believe that Jesus came here, teaching us to love, respect, and care for one another.  I don't remember Him telling us to condemn, judge, and abhor each other.

So as I go along each day I try to remember what the goal is.  And I try to remember to have empathy for everyone.  There are plenty of things going on in other people's lives that we just don't know about.  When someone doesn't respond to your communication, maybe they aren't trying to ignore you, maybe they have things they are dealing with in their own home that cause them to be distracted or just not in the mood to converse.  We don't have to bare our souls to everyone we meet, instead it would be nicer if others had a level of patience and understanding for that which they do not know.  We all face difficulties and we all are doing our best to reach that prized goal, or at least that's what I would like to believe, and until someone tells me outright that they have no desire to live eternally with our Father, I will just continue to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Psalms 121:1, 2

Psalms 121:1, 2
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From where shall my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made the heaven and earth.

We all go through difficult times.  Some are more difficult than others.  But no matter how difficult your days are, He is always there for you.  He is waiting for you to call on Him for help because He longs to help you, just like any parent wants to help their child.  He is there to guide you and love you, no matter what.  And He will not let you fail.  Look to Him in your darker times, He always provides you with what you need.  Let Him help you.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, November 4, 2013

1 Corinthians 13:6, 7

1 Corinthians 13:6, 7
[Love] does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Marriage is hard.  My husband and I did not become enlightened with the faith until I was pregnant with our second child so we were able to "play house" for about a year before getting married.  I thought that while we were living together that we were practically married.  I was excited to get married and all that but I felt, at the time, that we were pretty much already married and were just missing a sheet of paper and some name changes.  I was so excited to check the "married" box on any paperwork that asked me to!

Funny thing though, once we were truly married, things felt different.  I can't really explain it, but it was just different.  I knew that if I changed my mind about this person, it wasn't as easy as saying, "Ok, sorry, guess I don't like you as much as I thought I did.  Later!"  I knew that we had started a whole new chapter of our lives and that our lives together would forever be different.  It was no longer all about me, my stuff, my wants, my concerns.  It was about us, our stuff, our wants, our concerns.  Now we needed to figure out how to make our relationship last forever, not just until we got tired enough to move out and move on.

I was really young (at least by today's standards) when I got married so I was pretty naïve.  I thought that things would just be rosy forever.  I thought that I would continue to enjoy cleaning up after my husband and that he would continue to find my emotional outbursts endearing.  Anyone who has been married for any amount of time understands that this is not the case and once you are married you have to figure out everyday how to stay that way!  There are things about my husband that make me fall in love with him each day.  Even when I am mad at him (which is really just an expression of frustration or feeling like I am not being heard) there are things that I thank God for in him.

My husband and I were tested early in our marriage and we had to decide if we were going to work through any obstacle that came our way or if we wanted to just jump ship.  We decided that we would rather face any difficulty together than alone.  We continue to be tested and expect that, but we are determined to "bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things".  I trust that so long as we keep God as the center of our marriage, we will be successful.  Thank you God for finding the perfect partner for me, even if our marriage is not perfect all of the time!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ephesians 5:20

Ephesians 5:20
always give thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

We always remember to ask God for things when we are in need, but do we always remember to thank Him?  We cannot forget that nothing is accomplished without His help and nothing can be done unless according to His will.

I was listening to Relevant Radio (which has a great app, btw) and there was a guest speaker talking about how we should structure prayers to God.  I don't always pray in a formal manner, usually I am just in a conversation with God, discussing my fears, concerns, and things that I am grateful for, but there are times when I am in a more formal prayer set and I found the information the speaker gave to be really useful.  Here's the gist of what he said:

1.  Ask for His forgiveness before starting your prayer.  "Dear God, please forgive me for my indiscretions and anything I have done that is not in accordance with You and Your desires for me."

2.  Pray for things to be done according to His will.  It is important to remember that whatever you are asking God for can only be done if it is His will for us.

3.  Express to God what it is you are hoping for in your life.

4.  Thank God for the bountiful blessings He has already bestowed unto you.

5.  Praise God.  Acknowledge His greatness and His everlasting love for you.

Like I said before, I don't always format my prayers in this manner but when I heard this, I thought it sounded like a beautiful way to pray to God when petitioning for something specific, important, or grand for myself or someone else.  I hope that everyone is able to be in a sort of constant prayerful conversation with God and it's nice to have several different ways to pray to Him.  That's why we have the rosary, novenas, chaplets, etc.  A rich prayer life is so important, especially as a Catholic, when developing and strengthening your relationship with God.  I hope this helps your prayer life just as it has helped me in my prayer life!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Psalms 62:1

Psalm 62:1
My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation.

Our only way to heaven is through Him.  No one else can help us get there and we choose if we respond to His requests of us or not.  How easily we forget that He sent His only son for us, so that we could live with Him for eternity.  There are so many distractions around us it is easy to forget why we are here.  We are here to continue His message of love and charity.  Pope Francis is such an amazing light for us Catholics, he is wonderful about reminding us of the mission God has given us.

It is not our place to judge others.  It is not our concern to conform to societies "norms".  God is our guide and Jesus is our savior.  God wants all of us to join Him in heaven and we are all worthy of the reward He has waiting for us.  If we live our lives according to His words, we will be rewarded greatly.  I was listening to a priest speak and he was talking about the noise in our lives, how it comes at us from all directions.  He said, "What's the first thing you do when you get in the car?  Turn the radio on?  No.  You don't.  Because it's already on."

There is always something "on".  Let's unplug.  Not all day, all week, all year.  Just for a minute, ten minutes, an hour a day.  Let's quiet our environment long enough to allow God's voice to be heard.  And instead of just being noise for others, let's bring God's gift of love and charity into the lives of those who are willing to listen.  Let's not pass judgment.  Let's not make assumptions.  Let's not ignore the humanity in those around us.  Let's pass on the love that Jesus passed on to us.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, October 21, 2013

1 Corinthians 15:57

1 Corinthians 15:57
but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

When we achieve something in our lives, it is so important to give thanks and recognition to God.  A lot of times, when something bad happens, we are quick to blame God and when something good happens, we are quick to take the credit.  There is no doubt that it is our hard work and dedication that leads us to achieve but it is He who gave us those gifts, that drive, and the will to succeed.  We are constantly at His mercy and I think when we surrender to Him with all our hearts, that He will lead us to victory.  If you call to Him when you are down, rejoice to Him when you are on top.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Isaiah 55:8, 9

Isaiah 55:8, 9
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.

God knows best.  Need I say anything more? 

We like to think that we know best.  But the truth is that we need to look to God for guidance because His way is always the best way, even if it's not the easiest, fastest, or most enjoyable way.  I wanted children so badly.  I wanted to have three kids, boom, boom, boom, and then go back to work and move my way up the corporate ladder.  But God had another plan for me and in order for me to realize His plan, I had to weather some terrible storms.  Without those struggles, I would no doubt be a working mom (nothing wrong with that, just not right for me!) and my marriage would be a very different marriage, more disconnected.  Even though the path to motherhood was not the one I would have chosen, I realize now that His timing was way better than the timeline I had in mind.  Also, because of those struggles my marriage became a hundred times stronger.  Thank you God for leading us even when we don't want to be lead!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mark 8:36

Mark 8:36
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

I often think about this when my husband and I talk about career choices for him.  He of course needs to make enough money to support our family and we both hope to expand our family but sometimes making a significant amount of money comes at a price.  I have always said that it wouldn't matter how much money he made, if he wasn't around during the week to enjoy or spend time with our children.  No amount of money can buy back missed memories.

My husband's friend once said about his girlfriend, "I don't know why she's mad at me.  I'm gone all week and I make plenty of money for her to stay at home and buy whatever she wants."  He totally missed the point.  Yes, women want to be taken care of financially, but more than that, we want to be taken care of emotionally and if your husband/boyfriend is never around, it's not possible to do that.  Women need to see, hear, feel their partner.  Money might make a lot of things easier or provide more opportunities, but it does not bring happiness or love.

In today's world it feels like we value things more than relationships.  It's all about how much you have, how big your tv is, how new your car is, where you last went on vacation, etc.  Do people ever brag about what they did to feed their soul that day?  No, and we wouldn't because we would do so humbly, but it sure would be nice to hear people worrying more about how they are going to get to heaven than how they are going to get to Hawaii.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Sunday, October 13, 2013

James 3:13

James 3:13
Who among you is wise and understanding?  Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.

There are so many people around me that I consider "wise".  Of course, my grandparents, I often look to them for advice or just to hear stories of what they did when they were younger.  They had a large family too so even though it was very different having a big family back then, I like to hear how they managed back in the day.  They have lived so much life, it would be impossible to not consider them wise.  I look to my parents as well, for advice on difficult life decisions and respect their opinions.  I may not agree with them but they too have experienced so much more than me, I would be a fool not to take into account what advice they have to offer.

I look for guidance from a woman who used to work at my children's school.  She is older, has 8 children, 16 grandchildren and more on the way, and is so well versed in the faith, she is an amazing resource.  I also look to my SIL.  She also has 8 children and is about 10 years ahead of me in life so I look to her because she has dealt with many of the difficulties that I face.  I am interested in the wisdom that comes from my aunts and uncles, neighbors, and friends.  I think that everyone offers a new point of view that could be useful.

I look to the Faith to develop my own sense of wisdom.  I want to be the one my children receive their advice from when they are old enough to ask for it.  I want to become wiser after having life experiences.  I want to learn from my choices and follow my faith to become the kind of wise person that God calls me to be.  Please God, help me to become wiser with each day and share my wisdom with others who wish to hear it. 

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Saturday, October 12, 2013

1 Chronicles 16:34

1 Chronicles 16:34
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His loving kindness is everlasting.

Today was an amazing day, an easy day to give thanks to God for.  Not all days are like today.  Some days really suck.  Some weeks really suck.  It is so important to remember that even when times are bad, there are reasons to give thanks to God.  He loves us during the good times and the bad, when we make bad decisions and good ones, when we are following His path and when we are straying.  Today I give thanks because it was such an amazing, wonderful day.  Even if tomorrow is not as good, I will still give thanks, even if it is just to thank Him for His everlasting love.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, October 11, 2013

2 Samuel 7:22

2 Samuel 7:22
For this reason You are great, O Lord God; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

There is no greater example of the power of God than in the gift of a child.  I have had the privilege of seeing a baby in the womb at six weeks, that's only four weeks after conception.  In just four short weeks, a sperm and an egg have changed from two separate entities into one living, changing, growing child.  I hate the word fetus, it takes the warmth out of what is truly being discussed; a child.  At six weeks, this child looks like an egg with a yolk that has a tiny beating heart the size of a grain of rice.  Well, I should clarify, on the ultrasound, the heart is the size of a grain of rice but the baby is actually only the size of a poppy seed.  How can anyone not see the miracle in the creation of life?!

In just nine short months, it goes by much faster than one would expect, that tiny poppy seed grows into a fully formed, 8+ pound beautiful baby.  When I think of all the dangers that that tiny baby faced and persevered through just to make it into this world, my mind is truly blown.  I don't know how anyone can question the presence or power of our great God in our lives.  I have seen the beauty of a healthy baby after birth and experienced the great sadness that comes with losing a baby in the womb.  Both bring tears.  Both bring struggles.  Both are experiences that we share with those around us and remind of us our own humanity. 

He is truly great.  There is no one greater.  There is no one with the power and love that He possesses.  Look to Him for your guidance.  Look to Him for approval.  Look to Him.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Matthew 19:26

Matthew 19:26
And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Life can seem so daunting at times.  It's easy to understand what the goal is but we do need to understand that He is the one who helps us realize our goals.  When my husband lost his job a couple of weeks ago, I felt hopeless.  How are we going to survive as a family?  How are we going to pay our bills?  How are we going to pay for the kids' tuition?  How is my husband going to find another job that will support our entire family and allow us to have more children?

It all felt very impossible to achieve.  But now, even though my husband hasn't found a job yet, it doesn't feel impossible because we are praying and listening and allowing Him to guide us.  We have faith.  All we have is faith because faith is all we need.  My husband is busting his butt to find the next opportunity for employment and he is optimistic.  He is open to where God leads him and he has faith.  We have always acknowledged that it is only by the grace of God that we are able to provide for our family.  It is only by the grace of God that our family will grow.  And it is only by the grace of God that we will continue to persevere through dark times.

How blessed we are to live in a world of endless possibility!  With Him all things are possible.  Without Him, even the smallest of tasks is impossible.  Thank you God for the wonderful gifts that you bestow unto your people.  Help us to always give You the glory and allow You to help us through our most difficult times.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Titus 2:11

Titus 2:11
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men.

I have to apologize for my lack of blogging!  My husband recently lost his job and we were devastated, but out of the devastation, we are seeing the light.  I have not been reflecting any less on the scripture, I have had to cling to my faith even more in these last couple of weeks, but I have had less access to the computer.  My husband is working around the clock now to find his next place of employment and that means less opportunity for me to write a daily blog.  So please forgive my lapse and I would love if others were able to post their own reflections on the faith in my community Calling all Catholics!

Ok, moving on to the scripture now. 

When I had my miscarriages 7 years ago, I didn't understand that God was working in my life to bring me closer to Him.  I thought it was quite the opposite.  Why would a god have bad things happen to me if he wanted me to believe?  But now I understand that God is always preparing us for the journey.  He speaks to us and continues to speak to us until we slow down and quiet down long enough to hear him.  It is allowing His grace into our lives that leads us to eternal salvation.  It is hard to look back and say that I would be the same person had I not lost three precious babies, but the truth is, I wouldn't be.  I value life now more than I ever could have before.  I understand how fleeting life can be and it made me realize that I was missing my vocation in life.

I love where I am now.  I would never wish to go back to my previous job and I feel like I was put here to do exactly what I am doing right now.  My path may change in the future and I am open to that because my past has taught me to be open to His plan.  My husband has worked and dedicated himself to providing for our family.  He has always looked and been open to the next and/or best opportunity.  He is not scared to make a change and is open to what God has planned for him.

My husband woke up everyday and was truly unhappy going to his office.  He loved his job but was brought down by the energy of the people around him.  My husband is a person who thrives on relationships and to not have positive ones at work was truly disheartening for him.  He kept feeling like he needed to make a change but was worried about finding the right job and being distracted by looking for the next job rather than making his current one work.  Well, God whispered many times to him but he wasn't listening and now, jobless, my husband is happier.  Oddly, he feels that he is exactly where he is supposed to be and he is free to look for the next opportunity without feeling guilty about it.

I can see God's work in our lives and in the lives around us.  I just don't understand why more people aren't open to His grace in their lives.  We all have the same goal, to get to heaven, and God wants us to get to heaven.  He wants to spend eternity with us and he will continue to try and reach us in any way He can.  I implore you, my brothers and sisters, to hear God's voice.  Close your eyes, lay back, and just be silent.  Can you hear Him?  Can you feel His presence wash over you?  Now ask of Him what it is you feel you are in need of or thank Him for the blessings you have already received.  Allow Him to lift you out of your burdens.  Allow Him to help you bask in your joy.  He is working in our lives, all day, everyday.

After my husband lost his job I asked an older friend of mine to come over.  She told me that when she went through the same experience she curled up on the couch and prayed for Mary to wrap her cloak around her and protect her.  Upon hearing this I began to cry.  I had not told anyone, not even my husband, but I had asked Mary to do the same for me.  I literally sat bawling on my couch and asked Mary to please wrap me up like she would have done for her son Jesus when He was a little boy, and to protect me.  I told this to my friend and she smiled ever so slightly and said, "See, we are all connected."  Wow.  I will never forget that experience.  So even as painful and scary as the last couple weeks have been, it has only renewed my faith and strengthened my belief in being open to His grace.  I pray that you will be open to His grace in your life as well.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, September 20, 2013

Romans 12:2

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

We all have to conform to society in some way.  It's kinda like that saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."  Conforming to some of the superficial aspects of your surroundings is not only ok, it is in some ways, necessary.  But do not be confused, conforming yourself should only occur on a superficial level. 

I love how the scripture says to be "transformed" because that is what God does for us!  He transforms us into people who are "good and acceptable and perfect."  God really gives us the tools to be transformed and by reflecting on His words, learning about the faith He gave to us, and participating in the miracle of the mass, we open ourselves up to His will.  Each day is an opportunity to grow into the perfect being that He calls us to be.

It seems that in the scripture there is a constant theme of not becoming what everyone else thinks we should be but continuing to grow into what God implores us to be.  It is easier to look around at others and see how they need to change and grow and pass judgment on them but much harder to look within ourselves and identify what we need to change.  We can spend all our time worrying about those around us and why aren't they following His laws and commandments, but what a waste of time!  We cannot, nor does God want us, to change anyone but ourselves.  And in this scripture even He is saying that by changing ourselves we are showing that His will is perfect and good and acceptable!  Only by changing ourselves will we be able to have any influence on those around us.

We are not responsible for anyone getting to heaven other than ourselves, and when it is our turn for judgment, we will only be judged on our own actions or inactions.  So why be so consumed with what other people are choosing?  Why be so concerned with how other people are living their lives.  I have never understood why people want to judge the way I raise my kids when I don't judge how others raise theirs.  I have always said, even when giving advice, "This is what I do, this is what works for me..."  And maybe what works for me will work for someone else too, or maybe they will tweek it and make it something that works better for them.  I don't really care either way because I can't worry myself with how other people do things.  In actuality, it just doesn't affect me.  We can and should be open to spreading God's message but also understand that not everyone will be in a place of accepting it. 

I used to ask my dad if he was upset after watching his favorite sports teams lose and his answer was always the same, "No, it doesn't change my life on Monday."  It is so true and puts things into perspective for me.  Why worry about the things that are so superficial and really aren't life altering?  I will instead do my best to worry about the things that are able to transform me.  Listening and being open to His will is the best place to start.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jonah 2:8

Jonah 2:8
"Those who regard vain idols forsake their faithfulness."

We take nothing with us when we leave.  Material things seem fulfilling temporarily.  It's easy to get sucked in to what society wants us to value.  Do you have the newest car?  Do you have granite countertops and stainless steel?  How big is your TV?  I have seen people try to outdo each other and it's not pretty.  What if we tried to outdo each other spiritually?  What if we tried to help the most people, donate the most time or money to those in need, prayed the most for fellow sinners?  I can't help but wonder what this world would be like if we were trying to outdo each other in kindness, forgetting about our material things that in no way contribute to our status in life.  Things are not going to get us into heaven, our faith, actions, and love for others, will.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Acts 20:24

Acts 20:24
But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.

It is only be the grace of God that we make it through this life.  I feel very sorry for people who don't believe.  During mass when father asks that we pray for people who have fallen asleep in the faith while waiting for the coming of our Lord, I truly feel a sadness and sincere prayer for those people.  I know that our society doesn't value faith because it is based on belief, not science.  I feel that Catholicism, especially, takes a constant beating from the media.  I think that faith used to be viewed as an essential aspect of life and something of value to be instilled in our children.  Sunday mass was a ritual, an expected event to be attended my most families in any given neighborhood.  The values found in the faith were near and dear to the values we wanted to display in ourselves and instill in our children.

Now it is much more about the things we have, the places we go, the capital we bring home.  I am blessed though because I have a husband who is not an egotist.  He is good at what he does, I would say he is the best but I may be biased.  My husband knows how good he is at his job and what he does, just as I know that I am good at what I do and what my job is, but we are both quick to give the glory to God.  We understand that our success is really meaningless, that our success is His success being shown through us and our actions.  We realize that it is only by the grace of God that we are able to survive each day with our heads above water financially, emotionally and physically.  We know that without Him, there would be no "us", there would be no extension of life, and there would be no security.

As we face this difficult time, we have to draw on our previous experiences because I feel like we are being tested.  Did we learn anything from the past?  Is our faith really as strong as we claim it to be?  The answer is "yes".  The only reason I have been blessed enough to be able to stay at home for the past six years is because God blessed me with a husband who is willing to do whatever he needs to do to take care of and provide for us.  I also realize that the only reason he is able to do this is because of the gifts He has given my husband and the doors that He has opened for him.  He has taken care of us.  He has always made sure that we were ok and even though it is hard to understand how we will be ok now, or how things will be resolved, I have a renewed sense in my faith that they will be.

As a snotty, doubting teenager I used to challenge my CCD teacher to "prove it".  Whatever the "it" was.  And the truth is my teacher could have said whatever he wanted but I still would not have believed because lets face it, that's what the faith really is, believing.  The proof is in everyday life.  The proof is in the child growing in a mother's womb.  The proof is in the generosity of strangers.  The proof is in the love between a husband and wife.  The proof is in the air around us if we can get our heads out of all the materialism we surround ourselves with and get down to what is truly important in life.  Where we are right now is humbling and it only reinforces what I already believed.  We take nothing with us when we die other than the love we have given and received.

Thank you God for allowing your grace to work in our lives.  Help us to always be open to accepting Your grace, even if it doesn't make sense to us at the time.  You never do anything that doesn't make sense, even if it doesn't make sense to us.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Romans 8:1, 2

Romans 8:1, 2
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

I find it funny that people are so interested in judging others and making sure that others are rightfully punished.  I also used to care how others judged me.  Now I have a sense of peace because I feel that I know who I am.  I know the kind of person I am.  I know where my heart is.  I know what my intentions are.  I try to communicate those things as best I can to the people around me but I won't always come across the way I desire to.  And, no matter how hard I try, there will always be people who choose to judge me harshly for whatever reason.

I think that our society makes it easy to judge others, or better yet, popular.  It is a common pastime to pass judgment on those around us, those in society, those in the entertainment industry, those in politics, those in positions of power, those in poverty, etc.  Our society encourages us to be condemners of those around us.  We have reality shows on in abundance and where does most of the entertainment come from on those shows?  When the people on them are judging the other people on the show!  I have to admit I find it entertaining because the premises are so ridiculous it doesn't seem like reality, at least not any reality I would be interested in being a part of.  I prefer peace over drama in my own life.

I used to really stress over how others perceived me, especially my in laws who have never truly accepted me and have made constant comments and digs about my apparent shortcomings.  I used to try so hard to make them happy, only to find out I had failed.  Then I realized that I really can't live my life like that.  I can't spend my life trying to please anyone other than God.  He is the only judge that matters and His judgment is the only one I worry about.  I cannot live my life trying to live up to everyone else's expectations.  I live like I tell my children to live, "When you know the truth in your heart, don't worry what other people say."

Please God, help me to live today free of judgments and free of judging others.  Help me to live by your laws so that when my final judgment comes I will be ready to be reconciled. 

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, September 16, 2013

Matthew 18:20

Matthew 18:20
For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.

It's comforting to know that when He is called, He is there.  My family is facing a difficult time right now and I need Him now more than ever.  I like to think that He is behind me, gently holding me up.  If He weren't it would be too hard to maneuver through these obstacles that face us.  I was talking to a friend the other day and she asked what my prayer life is like right now.  My response was that I am in a constant prayer, having a constant conversation with God.  All things are possible with Him and nothing is possible without Him.  It would be wonderful if life was always in the good times but I suppose if it were, the good times would become mundane and underappreciated.  Often it is experiencing the bad times that let us know how good things truly are.

Please God, hear us as we call for You.  Walk with us and help us through these dark and scary times.  Please guide my husband and my family so that we can be closer to You and closer to Your path for us.  Thank you for all the good times we have had thus far and help us navigate these bad times so we can appreciate the good times once more.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ephesians 2:8, 9

Ephesians 2:8, 9
For by the grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.

My husband and I are only a few days into our new journey that began on September 11th.  I know that I have eluded to difficulties without naming what it is specifically that we are dealing with.  My husband was fired by his boss via an email last Wednesday.  Even though he wasn't happy there, he worked very hard to be productive and successful.  It is only by the grace of God that he was able to put aside his frustrations and move forward each day.  My husband is not a boastful person.  He is good at what he does and therefore does not feel the need to shout it.  He also knows, as we have been shown, that his success is not his alone.  His success is from God, who has given him the gifts to be successful.

When my husband was fired, it was a shock in the sense that his last conversation about a week ago with his employer was about his future at the company, raises, bonuses, ongoing projects, etc.  Even though he had been unhappy at his job for quite some time now, he never let anyone other than myself and a few other very close family/friends know.  Him, being our only source of income, I cried.  I cried for the struggle he had and will have moving forward finding new employment to support a family of six.  I cried that as a married couple, we cannot be open to expanding our family until we are in a more stable place.  I cried out of fear.  I cried out of anger.  I cried out of sadness.

I am so thankful for the Mass.  I took my youngest kids to mass and God spoke to me.  I prayed the rosary and spoke to Mary.  I had a friend from church come over and was moved to tears when she told me what she did when her husband lost his job after their sixth baby was born because the prayer that she said to our Mother Mary was the same prayer I said to her.  Each day seems to get a little better.  I am doing my best not to be overcome with my fear and to understand that He works in many ways.  He never makes a mistake and I know that this is His plan for us.

I know that we will be better for having had this experience.  We will learn and grow and there will come a day when we look back and are thankful for this experience, just as we look back at our first year of marriage and all the struggles we faced then.  I know that out of the ashes comes life, out of the pain comes relief, out of the darkness comes light.  But fear can be gripping and overwhelming and for a person who likes to plan, it can be debilitating.  Please God, help me to overcome the fear that threatens me.  Help me to be strong and faithful.  Help us make it through this difficult time, I know You will never give us more than we can handle and I know there is a purpose to everything You do.  Thank You for the gifts You have given us, please continue to bless us and protect us.  Help my husband on his journey and please continue to keep us safe.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hebrews 10:35, 36

Hebrews 10:35, 36
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.  For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.

Yesterday was a really hard day.  We are dealing with some very scary issues and I know how much I need my faith in order to get through these difficult times.  I LOVE that God sent me this scripture today.  How does He do that?  How does He always know what we need to hear.

I went to church this morning with my two littlest ones.  I was worried because I wasn't sure how my 2 year old and 9 month old would behave.  They were so good.  So good that I could actually hear the Gospel and it was so fitting to what I am going through.  It was really what I needed to hear and I'm so thankful that God finds a way to speak to us if we listen. 

My husband is much more confident than I am but I am trying to have confidence in my faith and my husband to see us through.  This scripture just affirms for me that if we keep Him at the forefront and have confidence in Him and the endurance to make it through the hard times, that He will reward us.  We are not just praying our way through, we are actively trying to improve our situation, but we also understand that with our effort and His guidance, we will eventually be rewarded.

I went through a really difficult time having miscarriages.  Again I find myself going through a difficult time, being asked to trust in His plan.  This time though, I am not alone.  This time I have my faith, friends and family.  When I was losing those beautiful babies, I didn't tell anyone.  I went through the hurt by myself, turned away from my faith, and wallowed in self pity.  Now, my husband and I have shared with those around us what we are going through.  We see the love of those around us and are truly touched.  We see the generosity and the willingness to help and are moved.  We see His work in our life and we feel grounded.  Please pray for us.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Philippians 4:9

Philippians 4:9
The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

I need Him now more than ever, more than when I was losing all those precious babies in utero.  More than when I was dealing with confusion and self loathing in high school.  More than when I wanted to just give up in college.  I always wonder what He is preparing me for.  Was He preparing me for this?  Was He using His words to make me stronger, to make me an unwavering believer?  I think we always assume He's preparing us for the rewards but now it occurs to me that He is also preparing us for the hardships.

When we are in the midst of those hardships, why is it that the first question we ask is "why"?  Does it matter?  Really, the "why" is so besides the point, isn't it?  The "why" can't be changed and doesn't really help us deal with whatever difficulties we are facing anyway.  I mean, sure, it would be nice to know.  Nice to know that we are having hard times because were are being prepared for something better in the future.  It would be nice to know that everything is going to turn out just fine.  Nice to know that someday we will look back and say, "Remember when....Man that was a difficult time but look at all the good that came out of it.  Look how much better we are now because of that experience."

I thought after losing three babies and almost divorcing my husband, that my faith had been strengthened because I had come out the other end better off, stronger, more involved and in love with my faith.  I thought, "Wow, I'm so glad that happened because I see the goodness of the Lord and now I can look back at tough times and truly know that everything happens for a reason."  I thought that I could face difficult times again and be unwavering in my faith and trust that He will provide.  I have seen His glorious work first hand.  He showed me His goodness, why am I unable to trust blindly, let go of myself and allow Him to carry me to the other side?

It's not just that I know I should, I really want to let go, trust, and believe in His path.  I'm just so scared.  Scared of the unknown I guess.  Back when I encountered problems before, it was just me, I was only responsible for me.  Now those problems don't just affect me, they affect my four beautiful, precious, innocent, carefree children.  I want to keep them that way and shielded from all the grown up problems that my husband and I are dealing with right now.  It is so hard, I feel consumed by the problems.  I want to crawl into bed and go to sleep until my husband comes in, tells me everything has worked out, and then resume my normal life.

This scripture really speaks to me because I feel like the last 8 years He's been preparing me for this moment but somehow I don't know what to do or I'm too scared to do what I know I am supposed to do.  Please God, continue to walk with me and show me the way.  Help me see Your guiding light.  Thank you for the many gifts you have bestowed unto me, especially the gifts of my beautiful children.  Please help my husband and I navigate these dark and murky waters that we find ourselves in right now.  Please lessen my fear and help me protect my children from the worries that plague me.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, September 9, 2013

Psalm 71:8

Psalm 71:8
My mouth is filled with Your praise And with Your glory all day long.

I don't have much to say about this scripture.  I think it really speaks for itself, but just contemplate this for a minute.  What if, whenever we opened our mouths, it was to speak of His glory, rather than to speak of another's flaws or shortcomings?  What if we spoke of how amazing our Heavenly Father is rather than degrading our neighbors, family or friends.  What if we used our words to spread His peace rather than using our words to spread hate, hurt, and war.  What if.....

Join me in filling your world with Him.  The more we speak of Him, the less room there is to speak of the Devil.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, September 6, 2013

Psalms 68:19

Psalms 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation.  Selah.

Today my mother in law will do the hardest thing a mother should never have to do, bury her son.  I know that she is immersed in a pain I cannot begin to comprehend.  My heart aches for her.  When I heard the news, I cried for her because I knew that the son she lost was the one she worried the most about.  He was the one who she wept for, he was the one she tried her hardest to influence.  And unfortunately, he was not able to change the choices he made to create a different life for himself.

I am always amazed at how life can change in an instant, with one word, one action, one decision.  As children, we don't understand, that's why we make so many mistakes.  And thankfully we are still in the care of our parents so that when we make those mistakes, we are surrounded by people who can help set us back on the right path.  Hopefully we learn from those mistakes and make better decisions for ourselves as adults. 

But what happens when we don't?  Who bears the burdens of our mistakes when we are adults?  Is it just us or is it our parents, or our children, coworkers, neighbors and friends?  Who is responsible for setting us on the right path when we are grown?  Is someone responsible for us or should we be taking responsibility for ourselves?  And how much can outsiders help us if we are unwilling to help ourselves?  Should people be expected to give us money so that we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies if we are not willing to find and maintain a job?  If we are simply choosing not to partake in our own well being, should other's bear the burden of it?

I don't know the answers and each situation is different.  It's easy as an outsider to say, "I wouldn't do that." or "How can they keep supporting that person when they won't support themselves?"  But we can't understand or truly say what we would or wouldn't do until we are faced with the same dilemmas.  Every day comes with it's own unique burdens and for those of us who are parents, each child comes with his or her own burdens.  If we were to carry the burdens present in each day ourselves, we would buckle under the weight.  I can't imagine my mother in law making it through the tragedy of losing her son if she doesn't give Him the responsibility of carrying some of the burden for her. 

Thank You God for being the carrier of our burdens and for being our Light and our Salvation.  Without You, the burdens of life would truly be unbearable and death would only be an end to our lives rather than the birth of our eternal one.  Please pray for my mother in law.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Matthew 4:4

Matthew 4:4
But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God'"

Pardon my absence from my daily scripture blog.  I have been beyond busy with the kids going back to school and there was a death in my husband's family that has kept us preoccupied.  I have not taken a break from my faith, it has been quite the opposite really, I am leaning on Him more than ever but the chaos has left me with less time for sharing my faith on the blogosphere!

This scripture speaks to me especially in this time.  I am able to get through each day not just by going through the motions of what needs to be done, but with His help.  The food I eat is nourishing my body but He is nourishing my soul.  There is no way I could make it through each day meeting all my basic physical needs if I am not meeting my spiritual needs as well.  My faith gives me the sustenance to make it through each day.  It's not the food, water, clothes, home, etc., that allows me to live.  It is Him.  He allows me to make it through each day in one piece. 

Sometimes at the end of the day, I ask Him, "How am I going to get up and do this all over again tomorrow?  I feel worn out."  There is really nothing I can do to recharge myself, He recharges me.  His words, His example, His will, recharges me.  We all have things we struggle with each day and we all have things that make us feel defeated but don't allow it!  He will sustain you, if you ask, if you listen.  But don't expect the material or earthly things around you to feed you or revive you.  Only He can do that.  Let's not lose our focus on what is truly keeping us alive in this life and after. 

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Romans 8:32

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?

I am amazed when people say that don't believe in God.  How can you see the wonderment around you and not believe?  I don't know how any person who has a child could not believe that there is a greater power creating that life.  I always have an ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant.  Do you know what a baby looks like at 6 weeks in utero?  It looks like an egg with a yolk and inside that yolk is a tiny flicker the size of a grain of rice.  It is hard to see and certainly the effects of the pregnancy are most likely not setting in either, but this little life has a beating heart!

Before that baby even begins to resemble a baby, it has a beating heart, flickering with the life that the Holy Spirit has breathed into it.  This baby is a life, it has a mind, feelings, love, and a personality, even if it's not fully developed yet.  God has created this tiny, miraculous, beautiful life.  How amazing!  I look at my children and still can't wrap my head around their journey from conception until now.  It amazes me that something so small can grow and change so rapidly and that each life, each person, can be so different.  It's not just a coincidence.  It's Him!

God watched His own son Jesus Christ grow from that tiny grain of rice into a grown man.  He watched Him suffer and die so we all could reap the rewards.  How can a God be so great that He would sacrifice His greatest gift so that we could experience eternal life?  A God that is that generous and good, would certainly answer our prayers so we could experience great joy.  Thank you God for the gifts you bestow upon us, none greater than the gift of eternal life.  Please help us, as a society, understand the value of the lives you create from the moment they are created.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, August 30, 2013

1 Peter 2:15, 16

1 Peter 2:15, 16
For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.  Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God.

There are many misconceptions about the Catholic church and faith.  It is mind boggling to me how many people have preconceived notions of the church and what it teaches.  I am always amazed at how easily people attack the faith and how often.  My SIL said to me the other day when we were discussing this, "The devil knows the truth and he attacks it, that's why the Catholic faith is constantly being attacked and tested."  I had never looked at it that way before but I completely agree with her.

In order to silence the critics, we must use our free will to defend the faith by doing that which the faith teaches us to do.  We must follow Him and show how beautiful the Church is.  We were given the free will to obey or disobey, follow or stray, love or hate.  Let's silence our critics by loving them enough to show them the truth of the Church.  We will "catch more bees with honey than vinegar".  Our faith is so sweet and satisfying to the soul, let's share it with those who have not been blessed enough to experience it.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Psalms 116:1, 2

Psalms 116:1, 2
I love the Lord, because He hears My voice and my supplications.  Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.

I love that the Lord knows what I need before I even ask for it.  He knows me better than I know myself and He is always there to listen to me.  I like to pray when it gets really quiet, like when I'm falling asleep at night and I like to pray when things are so chaotic I feel like I might lose my mind.  I like to pray when I am doing a job I abhor.  I like to pray when I am doing something I love.  I like to pray at home and in the car.  I like to pray when I am by myself and when I am getting lost in a crowd.

No matter where I am or what the prayer, He is listening!  Sometimes it feels like He isn't.  That's why I was so angry during my first year of marriage.  I didn't feel like He was listening to my prayers for a healthy baby.  He always hears us, He is always listening to us.  Are we always listening to Him?  He was trying to tell me that I wasn't ready.  He is always preparing us for what is to come and even though He hears our prayers, we need to be open to His path for us.  We need to understand that we will not receive what we are not prepared to receive.

It is hard to accept that maybe what we are praying for isn't what we really need.  I try to stay away from specifics like praying for a new job or things of that nature.  I try to pray for things in general like instead of asking God to help me find a new job I might instead ask Him to help me find joy or success at my current job or ask Him to lead me to my next place of employment and be thankful for the preparation until I get there.  I want to be open to what He has planned for me and not stifle His vision by getting lost in what I think I want.  I try to remember that He has bigger dreams for me than I could ever dream for myself.

I love that no matter how often I pray, He is listening.  I love that no matter where I pray, He is listening.  I love that no matter what I am praying for, He is listening.  Now, I need to make sure I am listening too.  Dear God, help me be open to your voice.  Thank you for being my rock and my salvation!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

1 Peter 4:16

1 Peter 4:16
but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.

Anyone who believes strongly in something will have to defend it many times over in their life.  Your faith is no different.  Since Jesus first was conceived, people have been defending Him and the faith He brought to us.  Look at those who have come before us, all the saints who have died in His name.  People have suffered for their faith, for the right to believe and the right to practice it.  People now are so scared to even claim it.

I have heard people say, "Well, I'm Catholic, but I don't go to church." or "I'm Lutheran but haven't practiced in years."  They say it in a way that makes it seem like they are trying to distance themselves from their faith, from a stereotype, from being "that" person.  It's not "cool" to be devoted to your faith.  It's not "cool" to love, adore, and live by your faith.

Well, I guess I'm not cool.  I don't shove my faith or my beliefs onto others but I don't hide it either.  I am happy to discuss my faith.  I am happy to explain why I choose to do or not do something.  I am excited to pass the gift of the faith on to my children.  I am not ashamed, I am proud.  Thank you God for the gift of Your faith.  Help me to defend my faith when I am called to.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1 Thessalonians 5:15

1 Thessalonians 5:15
See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.

It's funny, I was talking to my six year old about something very similar the other day.  My son did something to his sister that was rude and I told him we don't treat people like that in our house.  I told him that we respond with love and kindness.  And that if that wasn't possible, that we just don't respond at all.  My six year old chimed in, "Yeah, but you can be mean to someone only if they are mean to you first."  I quickly and gently corrected her and reiterated what I had just told my son.  It is never ok to be mean to someone, even if they are the ones who are mean first. 

Responding to evil with evil only continues the cycle of evil.  When you respond to evil with love, kindness, or even ambivalence, you are breaking the cycle.  You are choosing to discontinue the projection and absorption of evil.  It isn't easy, what's right never is.  Regardless, we have to set a different example for our children who will learn how to react and respond through our own reactions and responses.  It is easier to say than to do and I understand that but I think if we have the desire to not allow that which is evil to penetrate our skin that we are already ahead in our defense of evil.

We need to stand strong in our faith and in Him.  We need to understand that no evil can shake us because He is holding us firm.  We need to be an example of His everlasting love for us by choosing not to respond to evil with evil but to respond to evil with kindness.  No one can hurt us when He is protecting us.  No one can break us when He is holding us together.  Evil can be like an outbreak, spreading quickly throughout the community, but so can love. 

I have said before that when I was going through my most difficult and dark time in my life, I was not pleasant to be around for anybody.  I'm sure that I was spreading and responding with evil to the world around me.  When I found a parish that responded to me with love, His love, I felt my trajectory changing.  Let's change the trajectory of those around us because so many times that evil is a reflection of a person in pain.  Instead of trying to harm, let's try to heal.  Please God, help me to see through the evil and respond with love.  Thank You for sending me Your love in my time of pain when I was responding with evil.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ecclesiastes 5:15

Ecclesiastes 5:15
As he had come naked from his mother's womb, so will he return as he came.  He will take nothing from the fruit of his labor that he can carry in his hand.

It's funny because I have said to my husband in the past, "I see so many people acquiring more 'stuff' and we are acquiring more 'people'"  I really don't care about the fancy in life.  I want a house we can fit our family in, a car we can fit our family in, a school that meets our faith and educational needs, food on the table, clothes on our back.  In other words, I am perfectly happy with the basics.  I would rather be able to afford another beautiful person in our family than a vacation.

God has taught us not to put value in things.  We will not take them with us when we die, we won't even take our bodies!!  But we will take our souls and we will be judged on how we treated those around us.  I'm not saying it's wrong to enjoy "things", I'm saying it's better to enjoy people.  It's the relationships we have with others that bring meaning into our lives.  We should focus on how we treat the people around us and building our relationships with those that we love, it's the love we will take with us when we leave.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Isaiah 41:10

Isaiah 41:10
'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'

Let us lean on Him in our times of need.  It is easy to get lost in the angst and worry of everyday life.  How long will this illness last?  How will we pay our bills?  How will we care for this child?  Everybody has something to cause them concern.  Let us give our concerns to God.  He will care for us in our darkest times.  He will help us navigate the most terrifying storm.  He will help us climb the steepest mountain.  If we listen, He will lead.  Lets us turn to Him and allow Him to keep us afloat.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Saturday, August 24, 2013

2 Corinthians 5:19, 20

2 Corinthians 5:19, 20
namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.  Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

God speaks through all of us.  We are His children and we are all ambassadors for Him.  We should work on spreading His word through our love.  I don't walk around trying to evangelize protestants, Jews, Muslims, etc., but I am open to talking about my faith with anyone who will listen.  I wear my faith on my "sleeve" so to speak, and do not try to hide or flaunt it.  There were people in my life who offered me flickers of faith.  They did not press their faith down on me but were open, willing, and ready to enlighten me.  When I was ready, when God had prepared me, I turned to those people.

I am always trying to find the balance in parenting.  I don't want to suffocate my children but I don't want them wandering on their own either.  I want them to feel safe to explore their environment and who they are and know that I am behind them gently guiding them when needed.  I consider spreading the faith in the same fashion.  I don't need to push my beliefs onto or get into theological arguments with others, but I do try to send out little "flickers" of my faith to those who are misinformed.  I pray that all people are able to reconcile themselves to God and I am open to being His ambassador.  I like to find moments when I can insert my faith into the conversation and start people's minds thinking.

Please God help me to enlighten those in need.  Thank you for sending me the people in my life who were patient and capable of bringing enlightenment into my life.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

Friday, August 23, 2013

Philippians 2:3, 4

Philippians 2:3, 4
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Imagine how beautiful the world would be if we truly behaved as this scripture implores us to?  Imagine people helping others rather than hurting others.  Imagine people building each other's self esteem rather than insulting them.  Imagine people being generous with their homes, services, finances, and hearts, rather than being stingy with them.  Imagine people wanting to see everyone succeed rather than hoping others will fail.

I can only imagine...What a beautiful world that would be.  I plead with you all to start a new trend with yourselves and your children.  Let's teach our children the value of kindness, love, patience, and humility.  Let's teach our children to have chastity, diligence, and temperance.  Let's start a new movement in our space so that it can spread to spaces around us as rampant as a wild fire.  Just like anything, it only takes one to start something grand.  For everything there is a beginning.  The Bible starts, "In the beginning...".  We begin our lives as the tiniest of molecules and have a beating heart before any other parts begin to form.  Everything bad, everything good, has a beginning.  Let's have the beginning of treating people the way Jesus implores us to start right now.

We don't all have to agree.  We don't all have to have the same views.  We don't all have to make the same choices.  We do all have to treat each other with respect, all people deserve respect.  Respect is not approval.  Respect is an understanding that everyone deserves His love and that His love starts with us.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
 Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will live as one
Imagine by John Lennon