Monday, November 4, 2013

1 Corinthians 13:6, 7

1 Corinthians 13:6, 7
[Love] does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Marriage is hard.  My husband and I did not become enlightened with the faith until I was pregnant with our second child so we were able to "play house" for about a year before getting married.  I thought that while we were living together that we were practically married.  I was excited to get married and all that but I felt, at the time, that we were pretty much already married and were just missing a sheet of paper and some name changes.  I was so excited to check the "married" box on any paperwork that asked me to!

Funny thing though, once we were truly married, things felt different.  I can't really explain it, but it was just different.  I knew that if I changed my mind about this person, it wasn't as easy as saying, "Ok, sorry, guess I don't like you as much as I thought I did.  Later!"  I knew that we had started a whole new chapter of our lives and that our lives together would forever be different.  It was no longer all about me, my stuff, my wants, my concerns.  It was about us, our stuff, our wants, our concerns.  Now we needed to figure out how to make our relationship last forever, not just until we got tired enough to move out and move on.

I was really young (at least by today's standards) when I got married so I was pretty naïve.  I thought that things would just be rosy forever.  I thought that I would continue to enjoy cleaning up after my husband and that he would continue to find my emotional outbursts endearing.  Anyone who has been married for any amount of time understands that this is not the case and once you are married you have to figure out everyday how to stay that way!  There are things about my husband that make me fall in love with him each day.  Even when I am mad at him (which is really just an expression of frustration or feeling like I am not being heard) there are things that I thank God for in him.

My husband and I were tested early in our marriage and we had to decide if we were going to work through any obstacle that came our way or if we wanted to just jump ship.  We decided that we would rather face any difficulty together than alone.  We continue to be tested and expect that, but we are determined to "bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things".  I trust that so long as we keep God as the center of our marriage, we will be successful.  Thank you God for finding the perfect partner for me, even if our marriage is not perfect all of the time!

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

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