Colossians 2:6,7
Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.
Who has been more open to receiving Jesus than our own Mother Mary? Not only did she receive him, she conceived him. Who has been a better example of accepting God's will than Mary? When Mary was told of God's plan for her, she willingly accepted, knowing there would be many hardships ahead on the path God chose for her. She put her faith in Him and did as she was led to do. As a mother, I can't imagine what she must have been feeling when the angel Gabriel asked her to take on the role of the Mother of God. So on today, the day when we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, who better to turn to for guidance, than Mary.
Mary, in her conception, literally walked with Jesus. There is a special connection made between a mother and her child and anyone who has bore a child understands that. Mary walked with the baby Jesus in her womb, feeling His every movement. Caring for Him and protecting Him before He was even born. Then, once He was born, she cared for Him as an infant and child. She watched Him grow and eventually "walked" with Him as He demonstrated His love for us, and was crucified. As a mother, she must have wanted to trade places with Him, sacrifice herself, so He could live. But she knew better. She knew He was following God's plan and that she too needed to follow His plan, regardless of how painful. I think as mothers, we are always walking with our children, in spirit if not in the physical.
If we choose to walk with Him, since it is truly a choice we either except or reject, the rewards will be great. Even though Mary experienced pain here on earth, she is now with her Son and Father, united forever and experiencing heavenly bliss. Don't we wish the same for ourselves? When we go to the mass and are truly united and receiving Jesus Christ, we are accepting His plan for us. We are rooting ourselves in our faith, using our faith as our foundation. And if we grow and build that foundation, we will reap great rewards. Please let me be clear, I'm not assuming or implying that those rewards are here on earth. The greatest reward is to be reunited with Him. There is nothing we take with us when we leave except our soul, so why would anything other than the condition of our souls be of value to us? Things are nice, but He is better.
I am thankful for my faith. It has seen me through some difficult times, even when I abandoned it. He is always here for us, just as Mary was always there for Jesus. And we should always be thankful to the Lord our God, our Savior. He gave us the greatest gift we can ever hope to receive, eternal life. So be strong in your faith and show Him your gratitude. Even when it seems that the path is too long or too dark, He is with you. Every experience is here to teach us and even if the lesson is hard, be thankful for what you will learn and how you will grow. Keep your roots firmly in Him and He will reward you. Thank you God for sending us our Mother Mary. Help me to be more like the beautiful example she was for us.
Thanks for reading!
Busy Mommy Blogger
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