Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.
I love this scripture! It is not enough to just hear the word of God on Sundays. We need to hear the word of God everyday. I don't mean just read a passage, or parts of the Old Testament or the New Testament. We need to read it, reread it, digest it, reflect on it, and share it with others. I just started doing this and I can't express how it has changed the way I journey through each day. My husband was the one who put an app on his phone that gave him a piece of scripture to reflect on. He would then send me scripture that seemed to really speak to him. It went on like that for a while until I heard a voice telling me to do the same and, voila, my Daily Scripture blog began.
I don't know how many people actually read and/or are moved by this blog each day but what I love most about it is that it gives me the opportunity to really hear the word of God by reading it, rereading it, reflecting on it, and sharing it! When I force myself to stop and take even ten minutes for the scripture, it's amazing how each time I am able to see how it relates to pieces of my life. Our faith is a total body experience. It is an experience that requires us to use all five senses. Just look at the mass.
In mass we hear beautiful music, hymns, psalms, organs, pianos, and voices. We can literally hear the word of God and hear our neighbors in unison with us as we all participate in the mass. The use of our sense of sight is obvious as we watch Father perform the greatest miracle we will ever witness right before our very eyes. I love looking around church and seeing familiar faces and the array of people who have chosen to attend. We are all so different but seeking the same. I love the smell of the candles in church, when they are being lit and when they are extinguished. I love the time of the year when incense is wafted through the air. I LOVE Sundays when there are baptisms. The smell of the oils is so beautiful.
We use our sense of touch when we hold the hands of our family members during the Our Father, or when we clasp our own hands in front of us in prayer. But most of all, we use our sense of touch when we clasp the hands of those around us offering a sincere sign of peace. I always think of this small gesture as a tiny way to say a prayer for each person I am close enough to shake hands with. Last is our sense of taste. I have to admit that being slightly weary of germs keeps me from consuming the Holy Blood from the cup that is offered, which after much research, I found that I need only partake in consuming the Holy Eucharist or the Holy Blood because both are considered The Body and Blood of Christ. However, the consumption of the Holy Eucharist is the one action that truly unites us with Jesus Christ and the experience is one that moves me every time.
God calls us to partake in our faith, to not be a passive parishioner. We are His children and we are to connect with our Father each and every day, just as we would our earthly parents. I don't have time to call my mother and father every day but that doesn't mean that they aren't in my thoughts. God should always be at the forefront of our minds and we should take time each day to digest his words, not just read them, consume them and regurgitate them. Thank you God for allowing us to experience you with all of our senses!
Thanks for reading!
Busy Mommy Blogger
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