Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1 John 3:18

1 John 3:18
Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth.

It is easy to say what needs to be done but is much harder to actually do it.  Like yesterday, I had a horrible experience at a retail store where someone was rude to me.  Just because I look very young, doesn't mean I'm not an important consumer and I made it clear to the clerk that I didn't appreciate the way she was treating me.  I think that's all fine and good.  I was seething as I drove home and decided I was going to blog about my experience because my anger was really getting the best of me.  While I was preparing to and writing my blog, which was filled with my obvious ire, I thought about a Daily Scripture blog I had written not long ago about having patience.

I considered for a while that maybe I wasn't "practicing what I was preaching" but I continued anyway.  While I proofread my blog, again, I heard this voice whispering that I needn't hold onto my anger or outlet it in such a way.  However, I ignored that voice and published the blog anyway.  I don't feel bad that I published a blog stating about how I had been wronged as a consumer, I regret that I did it in a way that was so angry.  And then I saw the scripture for today, and it's like, yeah, God knew I was going to make that mistake so He sent me His message in the scripture.  I am always amazed at His power to reach me just when I need Him!

So I am just like all of God's children.  Making mistakes and doing my best to live according to His law.  But it's not enough to just read, understand, and profess that which is true, we have to live it as well.  Just like I would not eat sugary snacks all day and then tell my children not to, I shouldn't say how much I love my faith but then choose not to live by it.  We are not perfect but we are living each day to try to live as close to the faith as possible.  It is our goal to obey Him and love Him and spread His words as He calls us to.  We cannot claim to be good Christians without having actions that support those claims.  Even though there will be days when we will fail in our Christian duties, it is just as important to acknowledge those failures as it is to try to avoid them. 

So I call on you, my brothers and sisters, to do God's will as good Christian people so that when you lay your head on your pillow tonight, you can thank God for good choices rather than ask His forgiveness.  Please God, help me to do Your will each and every day.  Help me to avoid the temptation of anger.  Thank You for sending me this scripture today and allowing me to fail so I can grow stronger.

Thanks for reading!

Busy Mommy Blogger

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